Alcuni articoli e siti interessanti sul Passaggio a Nord Ovest
North West Passage blocked with ice - yachts caught
The Northwest Passage after decades of so-called global warming has a dramatic 60% more Arctic ice this year than at the same time last year. The future dreams of dozens of adventurous sailors are now threatened. A scattering of yachts attempting the legendary Passage are caught by the ice, which has now become blocked at both ends and the transit season may be ending early.
5:28 PM Thu 29 Aug 2013GMT
Northwest Passage Archives - Cornell Sailing Events & Publications_files
Aventura’s Logs , News
....Although in many parts of the Northwest Passage the sea ice melted earlier than normal, the crucial middle section remained iced up by the middle of August. Both John Andrews of Suilven and Jimmy Cornell of Aventura made their reluctant decision to turn back due to concerns about arriving very late in the Pacific. Other yachts planning to transit the Northwest Passage this summer have made the same decision....
By Cornell Sailing 20.08.2014
Alluring Northwest Passage - the transit tally so far (2012)
To the 2012 end of navigation 184 transits of the Northwest Passage have been made. Excluding the three composite voyages (shown as cp on the chart) a route analysis shows:
Route 1: west 3 east 0 total 3
Route 3: west 29 east 30 total 59
Route 5: west 15 east 22 total 37
Route 7: west 0 east 3 total 3
Route 2: west 9 east 5 total 14
Route 4: west 29 east 14 total 43
Route 6: west 5 east 17 total 22
All Routes: west 90 east 91 total 18
2:07 AM Tue 26 Feb 2013
La Repubblica-Sport
Italiani a Nord-Ovest
Alle ore 5.00 italiane Best Explorer è entrata nell'Oceano Pacifico dallo Stretto di Bering. E' la prima imbarcazione con equipaggio e bandiera italiani a completare il mitico Passaggio a Nord Ovest, che unisce l'Atlantico al Pacifico passando a nord del continente americano
(20 settembre 2012)
La nostra rotta
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Jonathan Adventure Sailing
North West Passage 2012
In 2012 Jonathan III with Mark as skipper sailed the North-West Passage. Starting from Longyearbyen in May this epic voyage took him and Jonathan III to Iceland – West Greenland – North West Passage (Northern Canada) – Alaska ending in British Colombia in 2013.
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